Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Thing #50: Playing & Singing

I'm writing Wednesday's post on Thursday morning because last night Auntie K and I were working on something together and I didn't get a chance to sit down and blog. So here we go...

Wednesday morning started with some cuddle-up-and-read time together. LP1 pulled her favourite books out of the library book bag and brought them over to LP2 and I on the couch. No, this isn't something new but I am enjoying their willingness to sit and read together at all hours of the day and not just at bedtime. LP2 kicks his feet and makes happy noises and helps me turn the pages. He is definitely interested in the books now, too...provided of course, that they are short, colourful and interactive.

I rounded everyone up and we headed out to spend some time with Grandpa. Both LP were beyond excited once we got there. I think part of LP1's excitement also stemmed from a dish of candies Grammy had left out on the coffee table in the living room! We had barely entered the house before she spotted them and wasn't long in helping herself to some jellybeans and those little soft pumpkin candies.

Grandpa and I had planned to do some things with the LP but they had other ideas. LP1 had a very, very long nap in what she calls "the princess bed". It is really just the bed in the guest room but hey, if she will willingly sleep in it, she can call it whatever she wants. LP2 slept in what his sister now calls "the strawberry bed". This is just a crib with a Strawberry Shortcake blanket Aunt Y made for Auntie J back when she was a baby but again...we're okay with her calling it the strawberry bed! LP2 had a much shorter nap and was able to spend more time with Grandpa. While they were playing, Grandpa called something "pretty" and it wasn't long before LP2 was saying "pretty, pretty". He's at that stage where he is suddenly bursting with all kinds of new skills. So far this week he has said "bird", "pear" and "pretty". Naturally he doesn't say them when you ask him to, so I think Daddy thinks I'm making it up but I assure you, LP2 is working on communicating. I love seeing his thought process. He tips his head to one side, looks at you and then makes the attempt. He has also figured out how to point at things. A few days ago, we were looking at birds out of our dining room window and he pointed at them. Every time I bring him near the window now, he kicks his feet and points as if to say, "hey Mom! There are birds out there!" I think it is pretty amazing how in just ten short months how much development has happened. LP2 knows who certain people are, is trying to make words and is a crawling and climbing monster. Still waiting on the walking part but I'm not in a rush for that. LP1 made us wait a long time and I've come to the conclusion that every kid walks when they are ready.

After everyone was up for naps, we all piled into the car to run some errands for Grandpa. I was extremely nervous because this was my first time driving standard with Grandpa. As a former police officer, Grandpa is a vigilant driver and I always have that element of nervousness with him. However, I only stalled the car once and he was very complimentary about how the whole thing went, so I felt much better by the end. We said goodbye to Grandpa and made our way back home.

I have been pushing Daddy to do a live acoustic set and to his credit, he has been preparing. After dinner he was setting up an amp, his guitar and the mic when the LP and I wandered downstairs. As soon as LP1 saw the microphone, she headed right to it and insisted Daddy lift her up. It wasn't long before she was singing for us. LP2 and I danced together while she went through her greatest hits. We were treated to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "Row Row Row Your Boat" and the "ABCs" in a medley. Daddy played the guitar and we exchanged "we are so proud" glances. All of us were laughing together. It was a wonderful little family moment in the midst of what is turning out to be another busy week!

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