Saturday, December 3, 2011

And so we come to the end...

I started this challenge on June 28, 2011 as a means to help me spend more quality time with the LP. I fully admit, I had my doubts that I would see it to the end...hence why I started this blog. And while there were many days when a New Thing didn't happen or everything kind of went to hell in a handbasket, I think we did end up doing more New Things than not.

We certainly did lots of different things together...some big, some small. There are things I wish we had done and things I wish we hadn't. I don't regret any of it, though. Spending time with our little people and doing different things was all I wanted. And I feel like we had some adventures along the way. I feel like this brought us closer together and gave us different experiences.

On Monday, I will go back to work. This will be a big change for our family. I took a medical leave from work before LP2 was born due to complications from pregnancy. I have been a stay-at-home mom for the past 14 months. As of Monday, our children will be in daycare and I will be a working mom. Many women have done this before me and many will after me. Somehow they all make it work. Somehow, we will make it work.

I will miss being home and able to just roll with the day with the LP...zipping out to the library, playing at the Early Years Centre or making messy art. We won't have that luxury. What I do think will happen is that the time we have together will become that much more special and valuable. We'll have new adventures and try new things.

As long as the LP know they are unconditionally loved, that they feel supported, encouraged and nurtured and that we continue to strive to give them the very best that we can, I think it will all work out. I don't know yet what I will do in terms of this blog. I need to think about it. I'm sure I will miss it. Maybe I'll update on weekends. I don't know yet.

Thank you for sticking with us, for reading about our adventures and for giving me a voice. I truly appreciate the support...especially when I posted sporadically.

This is not the end. This is just the start of a new beginning. Thank you for sharing the journey with us.

Mommy and the Little People xoxo

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